Entrepreneurship II
7 Módulos | 63 Minutos | 2 ECTS

Entrepreneurship II


To understand the importance of entrepreneurship in the career development;
To characterize the entrepreneurial process stages, identifying the characteristics and tasks to accomplish in each one;
To develop an applied business idea to the graduation area.

1. Entrepreneurship as a lifestyle and career development opportunity;
2. The entrepreneurial process stages and activities;
3. Models for business opportunities recogntion;
4. Definition and research on opportunity space;
5. Validation of the business opportunity;
6. Decision to launch a venture;
7. The business ideas at innovation service.
Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem

Lectures, in-class exercises, in-class discussions, online course, readings, case discussions (in smaller groups), video clips, project; Pedagogical approach: Instruction, self-exploration, and process-based experiential learning.

Bibliografia Básica

Baron, R. & Shane, S. (2005). Entrepreneurship ? A process perspective. Cincinnati, Ohio: Thomson.
Caetano, A., Santos, S. C., & Costa, S. F. (2012). Psicologia do Empreendedorismo: Processos, Oportunidades e Competências. Editora Mundos Sociais: Lisboa.
Rae, D. (2007). Entrepreneurship from opportunity to action. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., Curral, L. (2010). Atitude dos Estudantes Universitários face ao empreendedorismo: Como identificar o Potencial Empreendedor? Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira da Gestão, 9 (4), 2-14.
Santos, S., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2010). Cognitive maps in early entrepreneurship stages: From motivation to implementation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 11 (1), 29-44.
Sarasvathy, S. D. (2008). Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise. Edward Elgar, New. Horizons in Entrepreneurship Series.
Sarkar, S. (2009). Inovação e Empreendedorismo. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.

Bibliografia Complementar

Baron, R. (2006). Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs ?Connect the Dots? to Identify New Business Opportunities. Academy of Management Perspectives, February, 104 ? 119.
Baron, R., & Ensley, M. (2006). Opportunity Recognition as the Detection Meaningful Patterns: Evidence from Comparisons of Novice and Experienced Entrepreneurs. Management Science, 52, 1331 ? 1344.
Bucha, A. (2009). Empreendedorismo: aprender a saber ser empreendedor. Lisboa: RH Editora.
Gaglio, C. & Katz, J. (2001). The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness. Small Business Economics, 16, 95-111.
Shane, S. & Venkataraman, S. (2000). The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217-226.