Entrepreneurship I
8 Módulos | 197 Minutos | 2 ECTS

This course aims to present the entrepreneurial process theory to students and introduce them to the basic competencies needed to perform and develop entrepreneurial activities.


At the end of the UC, students will be able to:
- Identify and systematize the phases of the entrepreneurial process, with special emphasis on the recognition of business opportunity;
- Identify strategies for creating and developing business opportunities.


1. The entrepreneurial process stages;
2. The process of business opportunities recognition;
3. The area of business opportunity;
4. Types of business opportunities;
5. Competencies in business opportunity recognition, as the alertness, prior knowledge and "connecting the dots"
6. The validity of the business opportunity;
7. The entrepreneurial attitude and spirit: entrepreneurial motivation, psychological competencies, social competencies and management competencies.

Processo de Avaliação

Blended learning course

Attendance - 10%
Participation - 20%
Individual assignment
Business idea presentation ? 70%
Online course - concluded

Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem

Lectures, in-class exercises, in-class discussions, readings, case discussions (in smaller groups), video clips, online courseproject;

Pedagogical approach: Instruction, self-exploration, and process-based experiential learning

Bibliografia Básica

Baron, R. & Shane, S. (2005). Entrepreneurship ? A process perspective. Cincinnati, Ohio: Thomson.
Bucha, A. (2009). Empreendedorismo: aprender a saber ser empreendedor. Lisboa: RH Editora.
Correia Santos, S., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2010). Cognitive maps in early entrepreneurship stages: From motivation to implementation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 11 (1).
Correia Santos, S. & Caetano, A. (2010). Empreendedorismo na Universidade: Como identificar o Potencial Empreendedor? Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira da Gestão (submetido).
Rae, D. (2007). Entrepreneurship from opportunity to action. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Sarkar, S. (2009). Inovação e Empreendedorismo. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.

Bibliografia Complementar

Baron, R. (2006). Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs ?Connect the Dots? to Identify New Business Opportunities. Academy of Management Perspectives, February, 104 ? 119.
Baron, R., & Ensley, M. (2006). Opportunity Recognition as the Detection Meaningful Patterns: Evidence from Comparisons of Novice and Experienced Entrepreneurs. Management Science, 52, 1331 ? 1344.
Gaglio, C. & Katz, J. (2001). The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness. Small Business Economics, 16, 95-111.
Shane, S. & Venkataraman, S. (2000). The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research. Academy of Management Review, 25, 217-226.
Shane, S. (2000). Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Organizational Science, 11, 448 -469.